You have reached your goal!

Welcome to Dresdner Konzeptberatungsgesellschaft mbH. As specialists in finance and insurance, we help you to navigate the German insurance and financial system. We address your urgent concerns quickly and purposefully. We relieve you at crucial points and handle the correspondence between you and the companies.

Did you know, that you are obligated to have health insurance in Germany and can choose between 96 statutory health insurance companies and 42 private health insurance companies? Even in this seemingly simple matter of health insurance, you can see how diverse the options are that you can choose from.

1. Mandatory: Personal risk coverage

2. In addition: Family protection


Survivors' insurance

What happens when you have an accident? Who pays the bills? Who takes care of your family and children? We can tell you what you need and what to look for to never worry about the worst-case scenario again.

We provide you with comprehensive advice in the event that something happens to you and your family can no longer support themselves due to the temporary or permanent loss of your income.

3. Additionally: Assets and investments

Wealth creation

For yourself

Wealth creation

for the education & future of your own children

Wealth creation

Real estate and related financing

As part of our holistic consultation, we match your desires and goals with the opportunities of the financial market and explain them to you in detail. This enables you to make targeted decisions that you feel comfortable with.

What do we offer you?

  • ZEnglish-speaking financial brokers who can introduce and explain the German financial and insurance system and its conditions to you
  • Consultation by a fluent speaker, with whom you can speak English on equal terms.
  • ZIndependence from financial and insurance companies
  • As brokers, we are not bound to any single company in the finance or insurance industry and therefore advise freely and completely according to your requirements.
  • ZConceptual, individual care, tailored to your needs & goals
  • You are our focus. We provide holistic advice and do not sell you isolated individual products.
  • ZAdvice always up-to-date
  • Wherever you find your professional home in Germany: Consultation is possible remotely via video conference or on-site in our offices, as you wish!
  • ZService from day one
  • In addition to our consulting services, we are available as a contact person for you and handle the correspondence between you and the insurance companies. For all overarching topics, we offer you an annual service appointment to adapt your concept to changed conditions.

Feel free to contact us anytime!

Contact us

Would you like to schedule a personalized consultation? Or do you have questions about specific products or services?